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[Target Reading 2] [210227]Target Reading - 100.Paparazzi

In the past, we only saw pictures of movie stars at premieres or perhaps from interviews they gave to magazines. We watched musicians perform. We listened to politicians gave speeches. In the past few decades, however, another category of picture has emerged. We see actors at the beach with their families,politicians fishing with friends, musicians filling up at gas stations,actresses walking their dogs. These pictures come to us from the paparazzi.

“Paparazzi”is an Italian word. It comes from La Dolce Vita, the 1960 film by Federico Fellini.One character in that movie is a press photographer named Paparazzo, a made-up name which may refer to an Italian word for an annoying mosquito. From this character has comes our word for intrusive press photographers.

“Paparazzi”has different connotations than “photographer”. Photographers take portraits. They photograph wars, riots, and famines. They also line up along red carpets and photograph celebrities who are after the candid candid shot__ the sweaty politician on his jog, the crying actress breaking up with her boyfriend over dinner, the singer topless in her own backyard. The advent of long-range lenses has made the paparazzi more invasive than over.

Celebrities and paparazzi have a complex relationship. On one hand,many celebrities complain about the paparazzi’s increasing intrusion into their lives. Paparazzi have been accused of causing accidents by chasing subjects. A few European countries won’t allow photos to be released until the subject agrees,limiting the paparazzi’s impact. On the other hand, some celebrities want to feed their audience’s appetite. They may arrange to let paparazzi know where they are going and when, so their images can remain in desire for privacy.Which side will win is still up in the air.
